Australian Malayalam Film Industry (AMFI)
A historical moment in the world of cinema…
It is quite common to make films in various countries of the world in their national language and also in the official language of the respective state in the states of those countries. But contrary to the norm, for the first time in the history of the world, a film industry is starting in Australia in the official language of a state of another country.
Malayalam is the official language of Kerala, the southern most state of India. A new film culture is being initiated to make Malayalam films a part of the Australian film industry by producing and screening Malayalam films in Australia. This is the brainchild of none other than the actor, writer, director and producer Joy K.Mathew. By moulding something similar to Kerala's film industry in Australia, great opportunities will be created for artists in Kerala and Australia. This is also a model that other countries and Malayalee artists living in other countries can follow in the future. Australian Malayalam Film Industry (AMFI) connects the Kerala film community not only with Australia’s talented stars and technicians but also with film actors and technicians from across the globe.
Taking the best advantage of using the inspirational locations and working with the finest screen talent in Australia, films are aimed to be shot entirely here and registered with the Australian Film Chamber and approved by the Australian Censor Board. Kerala's representation in the Australian film industry will increase with the inclusion of not only Malayalam filmmakers in Kerala, but also stars and technicians from other countries. There will be screenings of films in various theatres in Australia with English subtitles. Kangaroo Vision collaborates with various distribution companies in overseas countries to screen films produced in Australia on various platforms and across countries in addition to theatres in Australia. This unique venture gives an enriching experience to the audience as it brings forth different perspectives, experiences and also offers myriad flavours of international themes to a Malayalam movie buff. It will pave the way to introduce Australian stars to the world of Malayalam cinema and create new opportunities for them too. Malayalam film talents will also become more known in the Australian film industry.
This initiative opens the door to the film industry for the Malayalee artists of Australia who dream of being a star. Artists living in Australia will be given the opportunity to work in the field of their choice in the film industry. To further strengthen the Malayalam film industry in Australasia, film festivals and training programs will be conducted by expert filmmakers from Kerala and Australia. It will also pave the way for small-budget peace-making films in Kerala. Those serious in learning the art of filmmaking, a free training workshop is conducted by Joy K Mathew on behalf of the Malayalam film industry in different areas in Australia and cover various aspects of film making - acting, camera operation, story writing, screenplay, direction, makeup, art, costume designing, dance. In addition to that, he extends all help and advice for these enthusiasts to start their debut film/documentary, film production unit, or distribution companies on their own and thus creates a platform for newcomers to showcase their talents.
A dynamic, supportive and sustainable, Malayalam Film Industry and Culture in Australia
We promote Malayalam films across different formats and platforms. Our mission is to enable local artists or film enthusiasts based in Australia to see their lives on screen and showcase their talents globally. To collaborate, share, network and exchange ideas not only amongst the film fraternity in Kerala but from all parts of the world.
AMFI and the films it makes will reflect the diversity of our societies at large and will enable people from all backgrounds, especially Malayalees based in Australia to identify themselves, their culture and values. All those working in the industry - whatever their role and background - will be treated with respect and rewarded fairly, helping to create a more inclusive workplace.
Strong commitment to support and fund film makers along with actors, musicians, technicians and other artists giving them the freedom of expression to create genuine and meaningful work and showcase their talent on a global stage.
As the new talents are bursting with ideas, creativity and are artistically ambitious, these opportunities will help them grow across all platforms and formats.
AMFI will make good use of the evolving technologies, seizing their potential to broaden their audience. New distribution and promotion tools will more effectively support each film, enabling a right mix of local flavours and international palate, that helps to better connect with audiences at home and across the world.
Artists from different countries can freely interact with these new talents and share their expertise. Film festivals and training programmes will further help to promote the film making activities.